OPI Blinded by the Ring Light 15ml
39 RON
Oja semipermanenta OPI Tickle My France-y 15ml
136 RON
Oja semipermanenta OPI To All a Good Night 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Tinsel Tinsel Lil Star 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Puttin on the Glitz 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Things I’ve Seen in Aber-green 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Grabs the Unicorn by the Horn 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Nails the Runway 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Leonardo’s Model Color 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Drama at La Scala 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Addio Bad Nails, Ciao Great Nails 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Mexico Suzi’s Slinging Mezcal 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Lisbon Tile Art to Warm Your Heart 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Hollywood Destined to be a Legend 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Hollywood 15 Minutes Of Flame 15ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Downtown LA - Violet Visionary 15 ml
Oja semipermanenta OPI Downtown LA - OPI ❤️ DTLA 15ml
Gel color OPI Celebration Ready, Fête, Go 15ml
Gel color OPI Celebration Mylar Dreams 15ml
Gel color OPI Celebration My colorwheel is spinning 15ml
Gel color OPI Celebration Big Bow Energy 15ml
OPI Jewel Be Bold – OPI Tealing Festive 15ml
OPI Jewel Be Bold – OPI Pink, Bling, and Be Merry 15ml
OPI Jewel Be Bold – OPI’m a Gem15ml
Crema Academie UV Ecran 365 Jours SPF50 30ml
279 RON
OPI Fall Wonders - Suzi Takes a Sound Bath 15ml
OPI Fall Wonders - Peace of Mined 15ml
OPI Fall Wonders - Ochre the Moon 15ml
OPI Fall Wonders - Medi-take it All In 15ml
OPI Fall Wonders - I Mica Be Dreaming 15ml