Sampon pentru Volum - Milk Shake Volume Solution, 1000 ml
136 RON
Sampon colorant, Colour Boost Red Brown, Hennaplus, 200 ml
89 RON
Sampon colorant, Colour Boost Warm Brown, Hennaplus, 200 ml
Sampon solid To Be Sher, Bomb Cosmetics, 50 gr
24 RON
Sampon solid The Wow Factor, Bomb Cosmetics, 50 gr
Sampon colorant, Colour Boost Warm Blond, Hennaplus, 200 ml
Sampon pentru stralucire, cu musetel, Barwa Cosmetics, 250 ml
15 RON
Sampon antimatreata cu ridichii negre Herbal Barwa Cosmetics, 250ml
Sampon Nutrient Disciplinant cu Ulei Vegetal Prestige Italia 1000ml
110 RON
Sampon nuantator gri piatra Stones Mangala Glynt, 200 ml
84 RON
Sampon par cret - Jamaican Mango&Lime, 237 ml
55 RON
Toner , sampon nuantator TONIKA 9.10 TOPAZ FUMURIU / GRI, 150ml
65 RON
Sampon Nutritiv pentru Par - HairConcept Nutritive Shampoo, 1000 ml
288 RON
Sampon pentru reparare Paul Mitchell Super Strong 1000 ml
192 RON
Sampon pentru hidratare Paul Mitchell Instant Moisture 1000 ml
173 RON
Sampon revigorant Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special 1000 ml
227 RON
Sampon revigorant Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special 300 ml
90 RON
Sampon pentru reparare Paul Mitchell Super Strong 300 ml
91 RON
Sampon pentru hidratare Paul Mitchell Lavender Mint 300 ml
78 RON
Sampon anti-îngalbenire Crazy Color Violet, 250 ml
61 RON